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Adam Wardle, Adviser to Rockpool Investments on its investment in Expolink Group

Adviser to Rockpool Investments on its investment in Expolink Group

Wilson Partners Corporate Finance is pleased to announce that we recently advised Rockpool on its investment in Expolink. “Flexible, responsive […]


Dan James, Transaction Services Director, Wilson Partners supporting NVM Private Equity on their investment in Channel Mum Limited.

Adviser to NVM Private Equity (NVM) on its investment in Channel Mum Limited

Wilson Partners Corporate Finance is pleased to announce that we recently advised NVM Prive Equity (NVM) on its investment in […]


Tax E-News October 2015, Tax magnified on document by magnifying glass.

Tax E-News September 2016

LIQUIDATING A COMPANY – IS IT A CAPITAL GAIN? One of the anti-avoidance measures being introduced by the latest Finance […]


Cut Your Taxes, abstract image showing the word tax being cut in two, symbolic of tax reductions.

Brexit – what are the tax implications?

One of the main reasons that individuals voted “leave” was to restore fiscal sovereignty to the UK so that we […]


Tax E-News October 2015, Tax magnified on document by magnifying glass.

Tax E-News July 2016

THINKING ABOUT INCORPORATING YOUR BUSINESS? Where a sole trader, partnership or LLP has established a significant value for the goodwill […]


Brexit pound sign with union jack over it.

Brexit Strategy – Wilson Partners’ 23 point plan

Click here for our 23 point plan, where we have covered many of the challenges (and opportunities) that UK SME businesses […]


Cut Your Taxes, abstract image showing the word tax being cut in two, symbolic of tax reductions.

Tax E-News June 2016

CHANGES NEXT YEAR FOR PUBLIC SECTOR WORKERS “OFF PAYROLL” It was announced in the March Budget that Finance Bill 2017 […]


Tax E-News October 2015, Tax magnified on document by magnifying glass.

Tax E-News May 2016

TAX IMPLICATIONS OF NEW ACCOUNTING RULES – FRS 102 The calculation of profits for tax purposes is based on the […]


Dan James, Transaction Services Director, Wilson Partners.

Acquisition of the Financial Services Business of Andrews Hammond Brady Limited by Saltus Partners LLP

Wilson Partners Corporate Finance is pleased to announce that we recently advised Saltus Partners LLP on their acquisition of the […]


Tax E-News October 2015, Tax magnified on document by magnifying glass.

Tax E-News April 2016

FURTHER CHANGES TO ISAs The current £15,240 ISA limit is frozen for 2016/17. The Junior ISA limit remains at £4,080 […]


Adam Wardle, Lead Advisor to Wye Residential Partners on its merger with Wynyard Wright and Ellis

Lead Advisor to Wye Residential Partners on its merger with Wynyard Wright and Ellis

Wilson Partners Corporate Finance are pleased to announce that we recently advised the Wye Partnership on its strategic merger with […]


Adam Wardle, Director, Wilson Partners helping create shareholder value.

Creating Shareholder Value

It is our belief that the vast majority of Corporate Finance Transactions, whether that is the sale of your business, a […]


Cut Your Taxes, abstract image showing the word tax being cut in two, symbolic of tax reductions.

Payrolling of Benefits in Kind (PBIK)

Register now to use the Payrolling Benefits in Kind online service if you want to start or continue payrolling in […]


Tax E-News October 2015, Tax magnified on document by magnifying glass.

Tax E-News March 2016

INCREASE YOUR WEALTH Watch our 30 minute tax planning video, packed full of tips and ideas to save tax and […]


Cut Your Taxes, abstract image showing the word tax being cut in two, symbolic of tax reductions.

Pre-Year End Tax Webinar

The taxation of dividends is changing (and pensions too!) With the tax year end approaching now is your last chance […]


Dan James, Transaction Services Director, Wilson Partners.

Putting the value back in financial and tax due diligence

It is our belief that the vast majority of financial and tax due diligence has become commoditised; a tick-in-the-box exercise […]


Wilson Partners: Sale of Reliance Fibres Limited to Ekman & Co. AB.

Sale of Reliance Fibres Limited to Ekman & Co AB

Wilson Partners Corporate Finance is pleased to announce that we recently advised the Shareholders of Reliance Fibres Limited on their […]


Tax E-News October 2015, Tax magnified on document by magnifying glass.

Tax E-News February 2016

CONSULTATION ON 3% SDLT SUPPLEMENT ON SECOND HOMES FROM APRIL 2016 HMRC are consulting on the details of the higher […]


Accounting, calculator and pencil with accounts.

Impact of Change in Accounting Standards to FRS 102

During the course of 2015 and 2016 a major change is taking place concerning the accounting standards that govern the […]


Tax E-News October 2015, Tax magnified on document by magnifying glass.

Tax E-News January 2016

7.5% INCREASE IN INCOME TAX ON DIVIDENDS TO PROCEED The legislation to introduce the new system of dividend taxation announced […]


Dan James, Transaction Services Director, Wilson Partners.

Welcome aboard Dan and Neeraj
