News > Financial News > Wilson Partners launches Cash Booster, designed to get the most out of your cashflow
Wilson Partners Cash Booster.
11 September 2020

Wilson Partners launches Cash Booster, designed to get the most out of your cashflow

As we approach the half-year mark since the government’s lockdown measures were put into place, you may well have taken advantage of the furlough scheme, government backed loans and tax deferrals. You may even have had to make arrangements with suppliers and landlords to defer payments.

Recovery for many is now on the horizon and so planning for the short and medium term is crucial to ensure you can stay afloat during that time. You might be bringing people back from furlough, starting to make deferred payments and repaying loans. You may even need to factor in redundancy payments as well.

To enable your recovery and growth you need to have a robust cash flow process in place that will allow you to make the right decisions for your business. This means maximising efficiency, monitoring it and taking action to improve it.

Future proof your business with our Cash Booster Health Check, and it could be funded by the Government*
Because when it comes to cash flow, there is always room for improvement, we are introducing a simple audit process to help our clients identify areas to focus on to ensure they are maximising the cash throughput in their businesses and getting into the best position to survive and thrive. Following an initial review and discussion, we will provide a report with findings and suggestions from improving processes to introducing new technologies. All things which collectively will enable to you to get your cash moving in the right direction and your business on the road to recovery.

If you’re interested in hearing more, please email me to book a call in the diary.

*With the launch of the Government’s Restart and Recovery grant scheme, you may be eligible for a grant to cover business initiatives to help your business recover.

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