Financial News - Wilson Partners
Employment Related Securities (ERS)

Employment Related Securities (ERS) deadline: 6th July 2024

The deadline for filing annual Employment Related Securities (“ERS”) returns is Saturday 6 July 2024 and applies to all UK employees or directors who hold shares, securities, or options by virtue of their employment.


Business people alongside a performance chart depicting ups and downs and looking to the future

Wilson Partners releases results of its eighth biannual business report of South East SMEs

The confidence barometer has shifted 4pts to the good, sitting at 68 and bang in the middle of the low and high of the past two years, it suggests that not much has changed, but drilling into the detail a little more, some positive signs are emerg...


Picture of chancellor squeezing tax

Jeremy Hunt’s Autumn Statement 2023

We’ve put together a summary of the key points from Jeremy Hunt's Autumn Statement. Download our free report.


Tax News April 2023

April 2023 – Tax News

So it’s now confirmed that the UK narrowly escaped an official recession at the end of last year, and whilst we don’t ever seem too far from an economic challenge there are paradoxes aplenty in the economy.


New UK Version of GDPR

New UK version of GDPR

On March 8, 2023, the UK Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and Technology, Michelle Donelan, introduced the Data Protection and Digital Information (No. 2) Bill to UK Parliament. The original version of the reform bill was proposed by the...


Wilson Partners expands company secretarial offering

We’re excited to announce that we’ve expanded our Company Secretarial (CoSec) service offering with a dedicated team based in Cambridge.


Business news, December 2022

Business news – December 2022

You don’t have to delve too deep into our website to see how much importance we place on freeing up cash in your business. Tackling late payments is a big hurdle in keeping your cash flowing...


Man holding suitcase surrounded by question marks

Hunt’s budget U-turn

It is a good time to look at your business’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and get a clear understanding of its position in the marketplace, the competition, the systems and the way things are done and the improvements that coul...


Tax news update – mini budget September 22

In a week that began seeing the nation come together to bid farewell to our longest serving monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, we also waved farewell to the planned tax hikes as well as further tax cuts elsewhere. Oh and not forgetting another interest ...


R&D Tax Credit is changing in April 2023 – sign up to find out response to the Finance Bill 2022

The draft legislation for the Finance Bill 2022 was released last week containing details of the proposed changes to R&D Relief that were trialled during the Spring Statement.


Making Tax Digital for VAT

Business and financial news June 2022

HMRC have issued guidance for VAT-registered business and their agents on how to avoid penalties for non-compliance with the Making Tax Digital for VAT (MTD) rules.


WP June tax news

June 2022 Tax News

With an impromptu ‘mini budget’ last month, we wait with baited breath to see what impact the Chancellor’s redistribution of wealth has in the near term, added to a double bank holiday, Jubilee celebrations and hopefully some good weather


R&D Tax Incentives are changing from April 2023 – make sure you know the rules!

Following the announcement in the Autumn Budget that there would be a review of the current R&D relief schemes. The treasury has issued a consultation document and we now have further details on the proposed changes to the R&D regimes.


After lockdown: The shape of business in The Thames Valley

Supply chain issues, inflationary pressures, a lack of quality people and businesses still in recovery mode present a lot of variables that could turn on a sixpence at some point in the next few years. So in conclusion, the importance of keeping t...


Our Culture Header.

HMRC urge businesses to carry out due diligence into their labour supply chain

To increase compliance with the off-payroll working rules in the private and voluntary sectors, organisations receiving an individual’s services (where the individual works through their own intermediary, most commonly their own limited company) a...


ONS confirms economy growing

We expect these positive figures to continue as we go through the summer, lock down restrictions are eased and if you need any help in planning for growth with your business and the incentives and finance available please call us. 


Tax E-News April 2021

NEW PERSONAL SERVICE COMPANY RULES START THIS MONTH The “off-payroll” working rules that apply to certain workers supplying their services […]


Tax E-News March 2021

Tax News March 2021

As the weather warms up so does the heat on Rishi Sunak to keep a lid on tax increases for […]


Adviser to Bestport Private Equity on a growth investment in Playful Promises

Deal alert: Adviser to Bestport Private Equity on a growth investment in Playful Promises

Wilson Partners Corporate Finance were delighted to support Bestport Private Equity with financial and tax due diligence on its growth investment in London based lingerie and swimwear business, Playful Promises Limited.


Construction industry VAT Reverse Charges.

Construction industry VAT reverse charge – download the full details here

If you're in the construction industry then it is likely this affects you, so be sure you're aware of the facts. You can download the full details here and of course, don't hesitate to get in touch, should you have any questions.


Tax E-News February 2021.

Tax E-News February 2021

BUDGET DAY IS 3 MARCH There has been a lot of speculation on what will be in Rishi Sunak’s second […]


Construction Industry VAT Reverse Charge.

Construction Industry VAT Reverse Charge – REMINDER

In order to counteract fraud in the industry, a new VAT reverse charge mechanism is being introduced so that the contractor rather than the sub-contractor accounts for VAT. The assumption is that contractors will be larger and more likely to be co...


Tax E-News January 2021

Tax E-News January 2021

NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS TO SAVE TAX At this time of year we think about New Year’s resolutions. It is also […]


Tax E-News November 2020

November Tax e-News

On 22 October the Chancellor announced that the CJRS “furlough” scheme would end on 31 October 2020 to be replaced by a new Job Support Scheme (JSS) [...]


Wilson Partners Cash Booster.

Wilson Partners launches Cash Booster, designed to get the most out of your cashflow

Because when it comes to cash flow, there is always room for improvement, we are introducing a simple audit process to help our clients identify [...]


Cash flow culture

The latest indicators for the UK economy are pointing towards a cashflow crisis for businesses

We cannot emphasise enough in the critical role cashflow plays in your business and early early experimental data on the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) on the UK economy and society show that now more than ever, you need to be on it. The dat...


Brexit's back

Brexit’s back with a vengeance – can we reach a deal?

The Government is set to unveil its post-Brexit trading law on how it intends to police UK trade between different parts of the country today. This has already caused much comment over elements which could allow minsters to modify the UK's existin...


Tax E-News September 2020

September Tax e-News

The calculation of Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme grants has proven to be complex, particularly as HMRC frequently changed the rules and the [...]


Tax E-News August 2020

August Tax e-News

It seems that as we get ever deeper into the COVID-19 situation, there is still no certainty as to how […]


Tax E-News July 2020

July Tax e-News

It seems our ‘independence day’ was a key date in everyone’s minds and whilst we can now all enjoy a […]


Wilson Partners Webinar

Wilson Partners launches webinar series to help clients through COVID-19

We want our clients to survive and even thrive during the COVID-19 crisis and we are continually looking at ways […]


Tax investigations and enquiries

A Short Guide to: Tax Investigation – Part 2

Making a voluntary disclosure usually means that penalty charges will be significantly lower, than if HMRC had investigated and discovered the problem in the first place. Usually, HMRC will be more lenient with resolving voluntary disclosures, for...


COVID-19 BIK rates

Company car drivers – could you reduce the benefit in kind charge during lockdown?

BMW 530i 2.0 with a retail price of £42,620 would attract annual tax of £4,944 for a higher rate tax payer. This means a saving of £1,236 for the employee and a further £426 for the employer for every 3 months the car is not in use.


Tax investigation help

A Short Guide to: Tax Investigation – Part 1

We always recommend keeping your financial data up to date and employing a qualified accountancy service to help manage your business finances. We also suggest that ‘health checks’ are undertaken for PAYE and VAT to see that your systems and proce...


Wilson Partners Payroll Changes

Payroll changes 6th April 2020 – new rates and allowances

New tax rates and thresholds come into effect from 6th April 2020. Below, we’ve listed all of the employee pay […]


COVID-19 Business Support.

Don’t feel isolated – 10 considerations for your business in the wake of Coronavirus (Covid-19)

We’re talking to many clients who are in sectors that have been badly affected already.  For some businesses the effect is immediate, for others it will take time to filter through.  Whatever happens, being prepared could be critical to sustainabi...


2020 Budget, growth budget.

2020 Budget – a budget to get things done

A “Budget to get things done” was the mantra – much like the recent “get Brexit done” strapline that got […]


Wilson Partners sponsor Thames Valley SME 100 Growth Index 2020.

The Thames Valley SME 100 Growth Index – 2020 list announced

The Thames Valley SME 100 Growth Index is a new listing published by The Business Magazine, of fast-rising SMEs in the Thames Valley region.


Construction Industry VAT Charges.

Construction Industry VAT Reverse Charge ***UPDATED SEPTEMBER 2019***

NB – LEGISLATION UPDATED AGAIN, PLEASE SEE LATEST POST As of 6th September 2019, the new reverse charge has been […]


Tax E-News June 2019.

Tax E-News June 2019

DOCTORS LOBBYING FOR PENSION TAX CHANGES Hospital doctors and GPs are lobbying the government to amend the pension tax rules […]



The Thames Valley SME 100 Growth Index – 2019 list announced

The Thames Valley SME 100 Growth Index is a new listing published by The Business Magazine, of fast-rising SMEs in the Thames Valley region.


Thames Valley Growth Index Awards.

Thames Valley Growth Index Awards – could it be you?

Wilson Partners along with Herrington Carmichael are sponsoring the inaugural Thames Valley Growth Index awards in 2019. Do you have what it takes?


Wilson Partners HMRC No Deal Brexit

Brexit Guides – What happens in the event of a no deal?

Whilst the UK government is still confident of "securing an ambitious and comprehensive future partnership with the EU" They have to prepare for various outcomes, including the unlikely scenario that no agreement is reached. HMRC has shared with u...


Budget 2018 Wilson Update

Autumn budget 2018 – download our tax guide

Well it was the first Monday budget since 1962 and a touch earlier than usual to avoid clashing with the […]


Wilson Partners Advisory Firm of the Year IRIS Customer Awards 2018.

Wilson Partners scoops Advisory Firm of the Year Award at the Iris Awards 2018

***STOP PRESS*** Wilson Partners were delighted to be recognised as the advisory firm of the year award. This is a […]


IRIS Customer Awards Shortlist Banner.

Wilson Partners Shortlisted for coveted award – Advisory firm of the year

We’re delighted to announce that we’ve made the final 3 for the forthcoming IRIS Customer Awards 2018. The awards are […]


On.Trac Cyclist Logo Coloured.

Wilson Partners Launches new online tool for business

Wilson Partners are excited to announce the introduction of ON.TRAC, an online business tool which enables business owners to quickly […]


Cash is Queen, Queen's Head on Union Jack.

4 reasons why cash is Queen (not King)!

At Wilson Partners, we like to challenge the status quo. In our role as accountants and advisors we’d be failing […]


Man making bread.

Companies cannot live on profit alone!

Why cash (as well as profit) should be top of the agenda throughout your business’ life-cycle. Many business owners start […]


Hacker, Email Fraud, Protect Yourself and Your Business from Fraud.

Email fraud – how to protect yourself and your business

Circulation of rogue email invoices to commit fraud is a growing problem whether you are using cloud or server based […]


R&D Tax Reliefs for Start-Ups and Small Businesses.

R&D Tax Reliefs for Start-Ups and Small Businesses

Larger companies are generally more familiar with R&D Tax Reliefs – but the benefits they have for smaller businesses or […]


Wilson Partners R&D tax reliefs

R&D Tax Reliefs Explained

If your business is involved in innovating processes, products or services, you could be eligible for R&D tax reliefs or […]


R&D Tax relief Wilson Partners

6 R&D Tax relief Myths – Debunked

Think you’re clued up on R&D tax reliefs or R&D tax credits as it is sometimes referred to? If you’ve […]


Detax imagery, spoof of detox with focus on healthy behaviour, cleansing yourself out.

5 tips for tax-efficient profit extraction – updated April 2020


Tax E-News August 2017, Tax Document on iPad.

Tax E-News August 2017

MAKING TAX DIGITAL FOR BUSINESS DELAYED The Government has responded to pressure from accountants and other interested parties and announced […]


Tax E-News October 2015, Tax magnified on document by magnifying glass.

Tax E-News July 2017

IMPLICATIONS OF HUNG PARLIAMENT The result of the General Election has left Teresa May and the Conservative Party clinging on […]


Payroll Update Creature.

Payroll Update for Autumn 2016

EMPLOYERS STAGING FOR AUTO ENROLMENT HIT 200,000 More than 6.5 million employees have been auto-enrolled into pensions as the number […]


Tax E-News October 2015, Tax magnified on document by magnifying glass.

Tax E-News October 2016

REPORTING TO HMRC EVERY QUARTER TO GO AHEAD IN 2018 The Government and HMRC remain committed to the “Making Tax […]


Tax E-News October 2015, Tax magnified on document by magnifying glass.

Tax E-News September 2016

LIQUIDATING A COMPANY – IS IT A CAPITAL GAIN? One of the anti-avoidance measures being introduced by the latest Finance […]


Tax E-News October 2015, Tax magnified on document by magnifying glass.

Tax E-News July 2016

THINKING ABOUT INCORPORATING YOUR BUSINESS? Where a sole trader, partnership or LLP has established a significant value for the goodwill […]
