Selling my business - Wilson Partners

Customer story: Pureinsights Technology Limited

We’re thrilled when we get the call to say 'We’re starting up a new venture and we want you to be part of our team.' It’s great seeing the passion they have for what they do and the ambition they have to grow another business. We look forward to b...


Incentivising staff led to a sale price of £10m

The beauty of EMI is the flexibility that can be built in to meet the business’ specific objectives. We have significant experience in implementing EMI in a diverse range of sectors to meet wide ranging commercial objectives. In the case of ABC Li...


Complex business sale with employee share scheme

There's rarely a straightforward solution and this is no exception. Our team of experts spend each day navigating the UK’s tax code consisting of over 10 million words / 22,000 pages of small print along with vast volumes of case law and guidance....


Managing the complexities of a ‘post-sale’ tax liability

Maximising the effectiveness of pension contributions is no longer a straightforward matter, but with careful planning significant savings are possible.  This becomes more interesting for clients approaching retirement where they may be able to pa...


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