Blog > Meet the Team in 90 seconds – Amie Ellison
Amie Ellison
1 December 2021

Meet the Team in 90 seconds – Amie Ellison

Introduce yourself…


I am Amie Ellison, Audit & Accounts Senior at Wilson Partners and am newly qualified.

I grew up in Reading, but my family’s roots are in Sunderland. Howay the Mackems! I returned to the North for university, having studied History at Newcastle University and specialised in Henry Tudor (and his many wives).

Upon graduating, I decided to follow in my old man’s footsteps and train to be a Chartered Accountant. I started my career at Wilson Partners in December 2017 and long may it continue.

Describe your role at WP

My role entails preparing year-end accounts & corporation tax returns, as well as carrying out and supervising on audit work across our client base. Getting out and meeting clients is a massive perk of the job! As Wilson Partners encourage cross team collaboration, I have been fortunate to also gain experience in personal tax planning, company formations and company secretarial.

On the social side of things, I head up Wilson Partners social committee who plan regular events for the whole team. I am also a committee member of the Thames Valley Young Professionals – a not-for-profit voluntary organisation, who organise events to enable junior professionals in the Thames Valley area to meet and develop relationships. I really enjoy these additional commitments (i.e. organising fun events and meeting new people). Who knew accountants could be this fun!

Ask one colleague to describe you

“Such a hard working individual who is always on hand to help and support other members of the team, but can also be relied upon for a bit of fun from a social perspective, whether that be a quick drink after work or heading up some fantastic social events. The accounts and audit team would not be the same without her, she is an absolute pleasure to work alongside.” (Rebecca Merrick)

Favourite drink in the office and out of the office

My favourite office hour drink has to be an oat milk latte – it has become a daily treat.

Out of the office, I am partial to a Strongbow Dark Fruit. Classy, I know!

Favourite Film

I’m not much of a film watcher, but I still find time to binge watch the entire box set of Harry Potter every Christmas with my sister.

Favourite Hobby

Cooking! I am an absolute foodie and unashamed of it. Having been diagnosed with coeliac many moons ago, what goes into food is very important and it has pushed me to be creative in having to recreate my favourite meals in gluten free form.

Favourite Food

If you asked anyone in the office what my favourite food was they would tell you it’s Pizza Express. And they would be correct.

Favourite Country/ Holiday

Favourite holiday has to be the annual Marbs trip with the girls – nothing like lying on a sun lounger gossiping with a cold one.

Favourite country is yet to be decided –  there are many places on my bucket list to get through before I can answer that one.

Cats or Dogs?

Dogs all the way! Although I may be biased as I am Auntie to Nala (the best lab in the world).

One thing that most people don’t know about you

I have a cooking blog – @glutenfreeamie for anyone who wants tips on being a coeliac in a wheat ridden world.

Amie thank you for telling us a bit about yourself. And you’re right…you are proof that accountants can be so much fun!


Webinar – Changes to the UK Trust Registration Service, May ’22

A short webinar and Q&A session with our Trust specialists Jodie Green and Sara Pedrotti. You can view the video and download the presentation here.

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