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Alexander Devine – Wilson Partners Corporate Charity Partner

Wilson Partners is proud to have chosen Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice Service as a chosen charity partner, who also reflect these core values.


R&D Tax Relief (SME)

89% of R&D tax relief claims in 2019-20 were made by SME’s (ref: HMRC) so it is definitely worth investigating your eligibility.


R&D Expenditure Credit (RDEC)

RDEC and SME R&D tax credits are both UK Government R&D tax credit incentive schemes. They vary in criteria and eligibility, but both are worth investigating to see how they benefit your company.


Maidenhead United and Wilson Partners Thinking Business

The Power of Sport to Connect

Wilson Partners is also committed to supporting the local Maidenhead community and shares the same core values that MUFC holds, particularly with health and well-being. The power that sport can bring to connect the community and the benefits that ...


Spring statement ’22: Further details of changes to R&D tax relief

The Spring Statement on Wednesday 23rd March has provided us with further details of some of the changes to come as part of the R&D tax relief reform which was launched at Spring Budget 2021 and which will come into effect from April 2023. 


Know where you stand with trusts

Changes to UK Trust Registration Service – update March 2022

As the government has announced a further round of changes to The UK Trust Registration Service, there is a feeling of déjà vu within the tax team. This time, the net is much further reaching and now includes those that already registered back in ...


R&D Tax Claims: Patent Box relief?

R&D Tax Claims: Are you missing out on Patent Box relief?

The UK patent box was introduced from 1 April 2013 and enables companies to apply a lower rate of corporation tax of 10% to profits arising from patented inventions or processes.


R&D Tax Claims: Creative Sector

R&D Tax Claims: Creative Sector

Often tax reliefs for innovation are thought to be the preserve of scientists in white coats, software businesses and consumer goods companies. The creative industry is often overlooked yet is clearly eligible to claim cash credits with the govern...


Emma Richards

Meet the Team in 90 seconds – Emma Richards

Hi, I am Emma Richards, Innovations Director at Wilson Partners and have only just joined the team in February 2022.  I'm looking forward to helping our clients with all aspects of R&D claims.


Rebecca Merrick

Meet the Team in 90 seconds – Rebecca Merrick

I am Rebecca Merrick. I have been at Wilson Partners for 5 years after a change in career path from being a Maths Teacher. I am lucky enough to have trained and become a qualified accountant within the audit and accounts team.


Wilson Partners, no 'i' in team

Job vacancies are booming, how will you stand out and attract top talent?

But and this is a big BUT, and the most important piece of the article! Keep communicating with and listening to your people. Remember that if there’s a surplus of jobs then other businesses will be looking at (and probably talking to) your people...



Meet the Team in 90 Seconds – Ed Macpherson

Hello I’m Ed Macpherson and am a Corporate Finance Manager at Wilson Partners. After studying Economics at University, I competed by ACA exams whilst working in Audit, before switching company and moving to Wilson Partners.
