News > Financial News > Brexit Guides – What happens in the event of a no deal?
Wilson Partners HMRC No Deal Brexit
5 November 2018

Brexit Guides – What happens in the event of a no deal?

Whilst the UK government is still confident of “securing an ambitious and comprehensive future partnership with the EU” they are obliged to help us prepare for all eventualities, including the unlikely scenario that no agreement is reached. HMRC has shared with us their guidance for businesses in the event of a Brexit ‘no deal’ scenario – including a series of step-by-step guides.

It’s worth noting that you do not need to take any of these steps at this time, however understanding what a ‘no deal’ scenario might mean for your business is important.

Partnership pack

Here is a link to the full ‘Partnership Pack’ as provided to us by HMRC. This document sets out action required in the event of a ‘no deal’ scenario and will help and covers off specific business sectors.

Step-by-step guides

These guides set out the step-by-step process that businesses will need to follow when importing from or exporting to the EU, in a ‘no deal’ scenario. These are available both in plain text and as a flowchart pdf, and the information is the same in both.

Preparing for a ‘no deal’ EU exit: step-by-step guide to importing(plain text)

Preparing for a ‘no deal’ EU exit: step-by-step guide to importing(flowchart pdf)

Preparing for a ‘no deal’ EU exit: step-by-step guide to exporting(plain text)

Preparing for a ‘no deal’ EU Exit: step-by-step guide to exporting(flowchart pdf)

HM Government letters to traders

The government has issued an advice and guidance letter to traders to set out what the UK leaving the EU without a deal would mean for them. A version of the letter has been issued specifically for traders in Northern Ireland, which addresses trade in goods across the land border with Ireland.

If you are unsure about the impact a No Deal Brexit may have on your business, now is a great time to think about your ‘Post Brexit’ strategy – get in touch if you’d like to organise a strategy session with us.

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