Blog > Leadership & Culture > Meet the team in 90 seconds – Jo Goggin
27 February 2023

Meet the team in 90 seconds – Jo Goggin

Introduce yourself…

Hi, I’m Jo Goggin, married and have 2 daughters.  I live in Buckinghamshire and I’m an Aries.  Our family life is very busy so we are constantly on the go but we make it fun – it’s all about teamwork (Hubby and kids would call it nagging though…..).

Describe your role at Wilson Partners

I’m Employee Experience Manager and joined the lovely Wilson Partners team in July 2022.  I work with Emma, Head of Employee Experience we are keen to help Wilson Partners move forward as they continue to grow and develop, plus add value through ensuring we recruit and retain talented staff.

Ask one colleague to describe you

“Jo is fun to work with, she is a great listener and has an abundance of knowledge where it comes to helping you in difficult situations. She is always available to assist you. She is a key part in promoting Wellbeing at Wilson Partners and raising awareness for our chosen charities. She wears her heart on her sleeve.” Sigi O’Sullivan

Favourite drink in the office and out of the office

In the office lots of TEA (strong-ish no sugar)

Out the office – Gin and Tonic (I liked Gin before it was trendy and was an ‘80s depressing drink!)

Favourite Film

Too difficult! Titanic, A Few Good Men, Top Gun (new and old!), Breakfast Club, Shawshank Redemption, James Bond (well, Daniel Craig), The Bourne series, Bridget Jones, BIG, 3 men and a baby ….. some old ones that are just feel good!

Favourite Hobby

Shopping and being in the garden.

What cause/charity do you support?

Lymphoedema (this is personal as I have it) plus support NSPCC and many Cancer charities.  Locally I support One Can Trust but will support everything I can.

Favourite Food

Curry or Jacket Potatoes – you can add anything to them!

Favourite Country/ Holiday

I love the sun – Australia and Disneyland were great adventures as a family but also Cyprus as I got married there.

Cats or Dogs?

Errr neither – SORRY! I love animals I just don’t ‘need’ a pet (or anything else to keep alive in addition to my husband and kids!)

One thing that most people don’t know about you

Weirdly I like cleaning!

Thanks for your time Jo. And there is nothing weird about loving cleaning!


Webinar – Changes to the UK Trust Registration Service, May ’22

A short webinar and Q&A session with our Trust specialists Jodie Green and Sara Pedrotti. You can view the video and download the presentation here.

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