Blog > Meet the team in 90 seconds – Stacie Bradford
17 November 2022

Meet the team in 90 seconds – Stacie Bradford

Introduce yourself…

I have a methodical logical brain which loves detail, therefore in my pastime I relax through creativity. I love arts and crafts, some of it I am not too bad at it, but other parts could be passed off for something I created at primary school! You will also often find me immersing into a good TV Show or film with a twist or being part of a live immersive theatre / film experiences where you are in essence an extra.

Describe your role at Wilson Partners

I am Wilson Partners’ Operational Improvement Manager, responsible for the delivery of process innovation and continuous improvement initiatives across the business. With the goal to foster a culture of sustainable change and support the framework to deliver business transformation, integration and growth.

Ask one colleague to describe you

“Stacie, although fairly new to Wilson Partners has settled in straight away.  She has an approachable and warm personality so I’m looking forward to working with her more.  I think she’ll bring unlimited benefits to the business, every conversation you can literally hear her brain whipping into inquisitive mode as she thinks ‘how can we make that better?’ and ‘how can that be improved?’ so I have no doubt this will result in a real positive change for the business and of course we’ll have some fun long the way!” Jo Goggin

Favourite drink in the office and out of the office

Cherry Pepsi Max and Espresso Martini.

Favourite Film

There isn’t just one. There are too many to name, but Grease, Goonies and Dirty Dancing have definitely stayed with me since I was small.

Favourite Hobby

Arts and crafts. In particular making little clay models.

What cause/charity do you support?

I contribute monthly to Cancer Research, Macmillan, Save the Children, Centrepoint, World Wild Life Fund and Guide Dogs for the Blind.

Favourite Food

Chips, always chips!

Favourite Country/ Holiday

New Zealand

Cats or Dogs?


One thing that most people don’t know about you

I hate the touch of sponges, especially ripping sponges apart. Urgh!

Stacie, thank your for your time and sharing this with us. We love to read about the creative side of accountants!

Webinar – Changes to the UK Trust Registration Service, May ’22

A short webinar and Q&A session with our Trust specialists Jodie Green and Sara Pedrotti. You can view the video and download the presentation here.

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