News > 3 Peaks Challenge
29 June 2022

3 Peaks Challenge

The team trekked, hiked and climbed their way across the 3 Peaks this weekend. Very sadly they did not make it within 24 hours and just missed the top of Snowdon by 500 ft due to high winds prohibiting climbs to the top. It’s a massive accomplishment despite missing not hitting the 24 hours, which was caused by a more slower than planned Ben Nevis climb, driving delays and the horrific weather on Snowdon.

The team exceeded their fundraising target for Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice which is a massive achievement. The fundraising page is still open: A HUGE thank you to all that have donated. Your contributions definitely helped to motivate us on the tough parts of the climbs.


Key facts about our challenge: 

1250 miles of driving

20 miles of hiking

40 with no minimal sleep

No major injuries (except for some dodgy knees!) despite especially on Snowdon some very slippery rocks

It was the Wilson Partners Run Club idea!


Top tips for the 3 Peaks challenge:

You do need all the gear – effective waterproofs are your best friend

Snacks, snacks, snacks

It’s going to be tough but singing Sweet Caroline will get you through….



Paul Hyde “Racing up Scafell Pike in the dead of night was a highlight, it had a bit of everything – tricky terrain, rain, hail, thunder and most importantly a bit of a sing along led by our designated morale officer James Feast.”

Katie Hathaway “A lot of laughs, some events that we definitely won’t forget, about 1,250 miles travelled, 9,500ft total ascent and some biblical weather conditions on Snowdon – fab weekend!  Think I’m going to ache tomorrow though….”

Allan Wilson “Whilst the aches and pains will hopefully fade quickly, the memories of a fantastic weekend will live long! Resilience, determination, great teamwork and a lot of laughs contributed to a challenge I’ll never forget. Feel very lucky to have shared it with a great team and all the better for having exceeded our fund-raising target for Alexander Devine Hospice”

Dan James “What a weekend! The 24hr 3 Peaks Challenge in aid of Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice in Maidenhead. An unforgettable experience with an amazing group of people. We had sun, wind (70mph!), hail, thunder, lightning and driving rain but we did it (apart from the last 500ft of Snowdon that we were not allowed to climb due to the winds). Climbing Ben Nevis felt really special for me. It was the start of our challenge so spirits were high and the sun was shining so we got some amazing views as we made the first part of the ascent. The rain came and went providing stunning rainbows over the lakes below and as we got higher and higher the terrain became more difficult, the temperature dropped and so did visibility. Reaching the snow caps was pretty cool and then arriving at the very top of the UK was an incredible feeling! At that point I had forgotten it was another few hours to get back down again!” Thoroughly recommend for anyone thinking of doing it and we raised over £5.5k for a great cause. Absolutely shattered now!”

A massive well done team…a phenomenal achievement!




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