News > Lots to shout about at COP26
3 November 2021

Lots to shout about at COP26

We’re already seeing a lot of big commitments in Glasgow as the UN host their 26th Climate Change Conference of the Parties. The main discussions will focus on the reduction in climate warming to the agreed 1.5c, rather than the 2.7c we are heading for, and to protect and restore ecosystems of countries already affected. To achieve this, developed countries have promised to raise $100bn in climate finance per year.

This means that businesses, especially global corporates, will be focussed upon as they are the ones that are able to, and need to, make the biggest changes in how they operate. Releasing public and private sector finance to secure global net zero will be required. How this transpires in terms of exact financial implications for the UK we will have to watch, wait and hope that those with the power at COP26 make the right decisions to help the crisis our environment and future generations are facing.

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